Friday, September 5, 2008

Wrap Up

All the highlights off of the memory card

Ocean City 08

Hershey, PA

Vacation in chocolate land...


I was messin' around with the 3.5 frames per second feature on the camera and Trey was messin' around with his water table...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Hella Photos

I've been slacking on the photo updates so here it goes...
**if for some reason these aren't enough photos for you, by all means, please visit the entire library


Alex Weekes (Amy's cousin) plays soccer for Colgate... they played a couple of games at UAlbany so we checked it out

Total Domination

His first goal in college

Acey ran in the Dodge the Deer Diaper Dash... she didn't come first, but she didn't come last

Now for the random

he's amped on the skateboard

Glav was over for dinner (photo by Acey)

(photo by Acey)

**if for some reason these aren't enough photos for you, by all means, please visit the entire library

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Childrens Expo

Took the kids to the Children's Expo (or whatever it is called) this past Saturday (March 1). They seemed to have a good time and Acey got her face painted, so that was pretty cool. We also ran into the following people: Stacey Novak, Janis and Chet Graziano, Stacey Erwell, Lee, Robin, Reggie and Max, Sandy Cioffi, her mom and her two kids, Teresa Herbert, her brother, and their kids... in hindsight, I should have taken a picture of all of them, that probably would have made a more interesting post. In any event...